That's right, Lilly is 6 months old! It's hard to believe, I feel like I just found out I was pregnant yesterday. What a fun month it has been. This month we played around with some solid foods, but decided we would wait to really start them after Lilly sees the GI specialist. Lilly has been such a funny baby this month with SO MUCH personality. She demands your attention and found this month that fake coughing is a quick way to get it. Lilly finally decided to roll over for the first "official" time; she still isn't a huge fan of rolling from tummy to back, but she rolls all over her crib from back to tummy. We are working on sitting up, and she pushes up to hands and knees (crawling soon??). Lilly loves tags, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, You Are My Sunshine, water, her dogs, and sticking out her tongue. She has learned the sign for "milk", but can not sign it back yet. Lilly is still the easiest baby to care for; she enjoys her 12 hours of sleep at night and most weeks 2 naps a day. Can't believe we are halfway to her first birthday!
(Lilly refused to give me a smile for pictures, but as soon as her Dada was in the room gave plenty. I'm pretty sure she's going to be daddy's girl)
And for your enjoyment a few from this month:
My personal favorite :) |
Oh my goodness! Such a cutie and personality galore! Can't wait to see her and all my grands today. Tell Lilly to hold on, she doesn't know what is about to hit her! Should be fun times!! Honey